Riding for a Cause: JDRF Hometown Hero Chad Lawrence

I've known Chad since HS, and he's always been amazing on a bike. Whether it was racing at the BMX track or busting some moves on a Freestyle bike, Chad always looked at home on two wheels. Chad has shifted gears in his cycling career and even though he he enjoys the thrill of competition he now focuses on competing against himself and doing the best he can to raise money and awareness about something that he truly is passionate about..... Chad, we here at Divergent Coffee appreciate everything that you do to support JDRF.  Good luck this year and continue to be the role model you are. 

 April 17, 2017 
Chad was diagnosed with type 1 #diabetes just days before his second birthday in 1974. Back then, glucose control and decisions about insulin doses were based on testing urine collected from his diapers. His projected life span and likelihood of complications was statistically bleak. Chad has been an avid biker since he was little. He has raced BMX, mountain bikes and recently Single Speed Mountain Bike competition. Chad completed the Death Valley Ride 10 times as well as other JdRF rides. In 2016, he lost most of his vision in the right eye as a result of #T1D complications. While training for a JDRF 2016 ride - he endured an arduous series of monthly injections in his right eye to restore his vision. Despite 43 years of trials and tribulations with T1D, Chad remains steadfast to not letting T1D limit him. He serves as an example to others who need inspiration. For that, we consider Chad a T1D Champion. JDRF Ride to Cure
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